This is an unprecedented time. Whether we are still working at our essential places of employment or self-quarantined at home, we are stronger standing together!
In an effort to keep our valued Nightingale personnel, clients and community safe, and up to date with statistics and actions taken regarding this ever changing COVID-19 pandemic, we will post the Peterborough Public Health, along with the Ministry of Health updates daily on this page for your reference.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:39 p.m. ET., April 30, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 86
Confirmed negative2: Results pending
Results pending2: Results pending
Deaths1, 3: 3
Resolved1, 4: 44
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website by 5:00 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Deaths indicate cases who tested positive where COVID-19 may or may not have been the cause of death
4Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #96: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 3,235,713 | +83,166 | 228,603 | +10,114 |
Europe | 1,357,646 | +25,626 | 133,195 | +6,417 |
China | 82,862 | +04 | 4,633 | 0 |
Middle East | 292,341 | +6,915 | 9,850 | +196 |
Asia & Oceania | 145,480 | +5,293 | 4,049 | +157 |
Africa | 38,314 | +2,467 | 1,595 | +65 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
202,901 | +12,483 | 10,616 | +739 |
North America | 1,116,169 | +30,378 | 64,665 | +2,540 |
USA | 1,064,572 | +28,807 | 61,669 | +2,403 |
Canada | 51,597 | +1,571 | 2,996 | +137 |
459 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 16,187 (this includes 10,205 resolved cases and 1,082 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 277,522 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 11,859 tests under investigation.
· 999 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 233 are in ICU; and 181 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Ontario government released safety guidelines today to provide direction to those working in manufacturing, food manufacturing and processing, restaurant and food service, and the agricultural sector. The Ontario government is ensuring employers have the safety guidelines they need to protect workers, customers, and the general public from COVID-19 as it prepares for a gradual reopening of the provincial economy.
- The Command Table met on April 27 and 29, 2020. Summaries of the discussions will be available shortly on the Ministry’s website in French and in English.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 5:01 p.m. ET., April 29, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 86
Confirmed negative2: Results pending, to be updated tomorrow
Results pending2: Results pending, to be updated tomorrow
Deaths1: 2
Resolved1, 3: 44
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #95: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 3,152,547 | +71,146 | 218,489 | +6,154 |
Europe | 1,332,020 | +18,737 | 126,778 | +2,186 |
China | 82,585 | +22 | 4,633 | 0 |
Middle East | 285,426 | +6,899 | 9,654 | +188 |
Asia & Oceania | 140,187 | +4,979 | 3,892 | +159 |
Africa | 35,847 | +1,650 | 1,530 | +55 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
190,418 | +12,075 | 9,877 | +951 |
North America | 1,085,791 | +26,784 | 62,125 | +2,615 |
USA | 1,035,765 | +25,258 | 59,266 | +2,463 |
Canada | 50,026 | +1,526 | 2,859 | +152 |
347 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 15,728 (this includes 9,612 resolved cases and 996 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 264,594 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 9,530 tests under investigation.
· 977 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 235 are in ICU; and 186 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Government of Ontario announced it is further expanding the list of essential workers eligible to receive free emergency child care during the COVID-19 outbreak. Those who will benefit include people who work in the food supply chain, retirement homes, grocery stores and pharmacies, and certain federal employees, including the military.
- A new memo was issued today regarding transfers from hospitals and the community to long-term care homes. It is attached.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:34 p.m. ET., April 28, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 3,081,401 | +63,421 | 212,335 | +4,613 |
Europe | 1,313,283 | +18,009 | 124,592 | +2,131 |
China | 82,836 | +06 | 4,633 | 0 |
Middle East | 278,527 | +6,231 | 9,466 | +195 |
Asia & Oceania | 135,208 | +4,577 | 3,733 | +126 |
Africa | 34,197 | +1,464 | 1,475 | +48 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
178,343 | +8,344 | 8,926 | +578 |
North America | 1,059,007 | +24,790 | 59,510 | +1,535 |
USA | 1,010,507 | +23,185 | 56,803 | +1,388 |
Canada | 48,500 | +1,605 | 2,707 | +147 |
Confirmed positive1: 86
Confirmed negative2: 2798
Results pending2: 829
Deaths1: 2
Resolved1, 3: 42
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #94: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 3,081,401 | +63,421 | 212,335 | +4,613 |
Europe | 1,313,283 | +18,009 | 124,592 | +2,131 |
China | 82,836 | +06 | 4,633 | 0 |
Middle East | 278,527 | +6,231 | 9,466 | +195 |
Asia & Oceania | 135,208 | +4,577 | 3,733 | +126 |
Africa | 34,197 | +1,464 | 1,475 | +48 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
178,343 | +8,344 | 8,926 | +578 |
North America | 1,059,007 | +24,790 | 59,510 | +1,535 |
USA | 1,010,507 | +23,185 | 56,803 | +1,388 |
Canada | 48,500 | +1,605 | 2,707 | +147 |
525 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 15,381 (this includes 8,964 resolved cases and 951 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 253,040 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 6,282 tests under investigation.
· 957 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 239 are in ICU; and 187 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- A memo regarding regional COVID-19 staffing response in support of Long-Term Care Homes has been attached to today’s Situation Report. It will be available shortly on the Ministry’s website in French and English.
- The latest version of the Primary Care Guidance is now available on the ministry’s website.
Local COVID-19 Cases & StatusL
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:18 p.m. ET., April 27, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
Confirmed positive1: 83
Confirmed negative2: 2317
Results pending2: 713
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 40
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #93: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 3,017,980 | +77,010 | 207,722 | +3,902 |
Europe | 1,295,274 | +30,902 | 122,461 | +1,932 |
China | 82,830 | +03 | 4,633 | +01 |
Middle East | 272,296 | +4,840 | 9,271 | +202 |
Asia & Oceania | 130,631 | +4,078 | 3,607 | +132 |
Africa | 32,733 | +883 | 1,427 | +36 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
169,999 | +8,337 | 8,348 | +354 |
North America | 1,034,217 | +27,967 | 57,975 | +1,245 |
USA | 987,322 | +26,426 | 55,415 | +1,150 |
Canada | 46,895 | +1,541 | 2,560 | +95 |
424 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 14,856 (this includes 8,525 resolved cases and 892 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 242,188 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 5,001 tests under investigation.
· 945 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 241 are in ICU; and 191 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- Friday’s Command Table memo is included in today’s Situation Report.
- Today, the Ontario government released A Framework for Reopening our Province, which outlines the criteria Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and health experts will use to advise the government on the loosening of emergency measures, as well as guiding principles for the safe, gradual reopening of businesses, services and public spaces.
- An amended Primary Care Provider Guidance document is attached. The amended document makes reference to the ‘COVID-19 Patient Screening Guidance Document’ under active screening, and clarifies that the case definition is primarily meant for public health surveillance purposes.
- An updated screening tool for Long-Term Care Homes and Retirement Homes has been uploaded to the website.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:18 p.m. ET., April 26, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
Confirmed positive1: 78
Confirmed negative2: 2156
Results pending2: 502
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 40
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #92: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,940,970 | +78,274 | 203,820 | +4,357 |
Europe | 1,264,372 | +17,888 | 120,529 | +1,381 |
China | 82,827 | +11 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 267,456 | +7,808 | 9,069 | +182 |
Asia & Oceania | 126,553 | +5,200 | 3,475 | +117 |
Africa | 31,850 | +1,686 | 1,391 | +45 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
161,662 | +11,683 | 7,994 | +560 |
North America | 1,006,250 | +33,998 | 56,730 | +2,072 |
USA | 960,896 | +32,532 | 54,265 | +1,909 |
Canada | 45,354 | +1,466 | 2,465 | +163 |
437 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 14,432 (this includes 8,000 resolved cases and 835 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 229,638 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 7,417 tests under investigation.
· 938 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 252 are in ICU; and 195 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:23 p.m. ET., April 25, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health Unit
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 66
Confirmed negative2: 1956
Results pending2: 475
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 40
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #91: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,862,696 | +117,077 | 199,463 | +7,664 |
Europe | 1,246,484 | +37,115 | 119,148 | +4,227 |
China | 82,816 | +12 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 259,648 | +10,630 | 8,887 | +320 |
Asia & Oceania | 121,353 | +5,119 | 3,358 | +162 |
Africa | 30,164 | +1,800 | 1,346 | +46 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
149,979 | +18,968 | 7,434 | +640 |
North America | 972,252 | +43,433 | 54,658 | +2,269 |
USA | 928,364 | +41,655 | 52,356 | +2,113 |
Canada | 43,888 | +1,778 | 2,302 | +156 |
476 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 13,995 (this includes 7,509 resolved cases and 811 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 217,618 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 8,171 tests under investigation.
· 925 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 245 are in ICU; and 195 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Situation Report #90 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,745,619 | +89,134 | 191,799 | +6,639 |
Europe | 1,209,369 | +28,446 | 114,921 | +2,949 |
China | 82,804 | +06 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 249,018 | +5,764 | 8,567 | +129 |
Asia & Oceania | 116,234 | +5,283 | 3,196 | +157 |
Africa | 28,364 | +1,605 | 1,300 | +55 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
131,011 | +8,4938 | 6,794 | +615 |
North America | 928,819 | +39,537 | 52,389 | +2,734 |
USA | 886,709 | +37,617 | 50,243 | +2,562 |
Canada | 42,110 | +1,920 | 2,146 | +172 |
640 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 13,519 (this includes 7,087 resolved cases and 763 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 207,040 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 5,414 tests under investigation.
· 910 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 243 are in ICU; and 193 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:25 p.m. ET., April 23, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 60
Confirmed negative2: 1763
Results pending2: 429
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 38
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #89: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,656,485 | +80,803 | 185,160 | +6,498 |
Europe | 1,180,923 | +27,705 | 111,972 | +3,222 |
China | 82,798 | +10 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 243,254 | +7,602 | 8,438 | +228 |
Asia & Oceania | 110,951 | +5,368 | 3,039 | +115 |
Africa | 26,759 | +1,060 | 1,245 | +45 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
122,518 | +7,373 | 6,179 | +410 |
North America | 889,282 | +31,685 | 49,655 | +2,478 |
USA | 849,092 | +29,917 | 47,681 | +2,338 |
Canada | 40,190 | +1,768 | 1,974 | +140 |
634 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 12,879 (this includes 6,680 resolved cases and 713 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 194,745 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 6,757 tests under investigation.
· 887 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 233 are in ICU; and 185 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- Ontario is delivering a new COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People to better protect vulnerable populations during the outbreak of COVID-19.
- The Government of Ontario announced a new emergency order issued to support people with mental health and addictions issues, as well as an extension of all emergency orders to May 6, 2020.
- The Ministry has developed two documents which can be used to assist with COVID-19 screening. The first is the COVID-19 Symptoms document that can be used a resource for partners who are looking for an up-to-date symptoms list. The second is a Patient Screening Guidance document which can be used as a tool to help screen people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. They are available in English and French on the Ministry’s website and will be updated as the situation evolves.
- The Command table met yesterday; a summary of the discussion is attached.
- A new memo was issued today regarding transfers from hospitals to retirement homes. It is attached.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:26 p.m. ET., April 22, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 59
Confirmed negative2: 1674
Results pending2: 417
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 38
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #88: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,575,682 | +97,309 | 178,662 | +8,341 |
Europe | 1,153,218 | +40,082 | 108,750 | +3,915 |
China | 82,788 | -5,635 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 235,652 | +11,515 | 8,210 | +337 |
Asia & Oceania | 105,583 | +10,500 | 2,924 | +268 |
Africa | 25,699 | +3,277 | 1,200 | +66 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
115,145 | +7,284 | 5,769 | +482 |
North America | 857,597 | +30,286 | 47,177 | +3,273 |
USA | 819,175 | +28,695 | 45,343 | +3,129 |
Canada | 38,422 | +1,591 | 1,834 | +144 |
510 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 12,245 (this includes 6,221 resolved cases and 659 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 184,531 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 6,845 tests under investigation.
· 878 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 243 are in ICU; and 192 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- Ontario announced progress on the implementation of the COVID-19 Action Plan for Protecting Long-Term Care Homes to help stop and contain the spread of COVID-19 in the province’s long-term care homes.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:26 p.m. ET., April 21, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 59
Confirmed negative2: 1613
Results pending2: 360
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 36
Situation Report #87: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,478,373 | +62,185 | 170,321 | +4,212 |
Europe | 1,113,136 | +18,786 | 104,835 | +2,079 |
China | 88,423 | 0 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 224,137 | +8,391 | 7,873 | +229 |
Asia & Oceania | 95,083 | +1,726 | 2,656 | +43 |
Africa | 22,422 | +779 | 1,134 | +28 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
107,861 | +4,743 | 5,287 | +247 |
North America | 827,311 | +27,760 | 43,904 | +1,586 |
USA | 790,480 | +25,715 | 42,214 | +1,476 |
Canada | 36,831 | +2,045 | 1,690 | +110 |
551 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 11,735 (this includes 5,806 resolved cases and 622 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 174,170 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 5,546 tests under investigation.
· 859 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 250 are in ICU; and 194 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Government of Ontario announced additional funding and services to help seniors and people with disabilities during the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Sentinel surveillance testing will begin immediately in Long-Term Care Homes to ascertain the current status of COVID-19 in these facilities. Please see attached memo for more information.
- The latest Command Table summary is attached.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:11 p.m. ET., April 20, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 58
Confirmed negative2: 1515
Results pending2: 360
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 32
Situation Report #86: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,416,188 | +58,606 | 166,109 | +4,692 |
Europe | 1,094,350 | +16,952 | 102,756 | +1,653 |
China | 88,423 | +121 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 215,746 | +4,211 | 7,644 | +102 |
Asia & Oceania | 99,357 | +4,292 | 2,613 | +154 |
Africa | 21,643 | +606 | 1,106 | +50 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
103,118 | +5,809 | 5,040 | +262 |
North America | 799,551 | +26,615 | 42,318 | +2,471 |
USA | 764,765 | +25,183 | 40,738 | +2,357 |
Canada | 34,786 | +1,432 | 1,580 | +114 |
606 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 11,184 (this includes 5,515 resolved cases and 584 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 164,840 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 3,799 tests under investigation.
· 802 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 247 are in ICU; and 193 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:11 p.m. ET., April 19, 2020 provided by Peterborough Public Health.
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 56
Confirmed negative2: 1447
Results pending2: 326
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 31
Situation Report #85: COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,357,582 | +93,029 | 161,417 | +6,997 |
Europe | 1,077,398 | +41,218 | 101,103 | +4,701 |
China | 88,302 | +60 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 211,535 | +11,120 | 7,542 | +346 |
Asia & Oceania | 89,065 | +2,568 | 2,459 | +76 |
Africa | 21,037 | +1,142 | 1,056 | +39 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
97,309 | +6,200 | 4,778 | +447 |
North America | 772,936 | +30,721 | 39,847 | +1,388 |
USA | 739,582 | +29,251 | 38,381 | +1,231 |
Canada | 33,354 | +1,470 | 1,466 | +157 |
568 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 10,578 (this includes 5,209 resolved cases and 553 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 156,097 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 5,736 tests under investigation.
· 809 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 247 are in ICU; and 196 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Long-Term Care, Public Health Ontario, and Ontario Health continue to partner with the health and long term care sector to implement the COVID-19 Action Plan for Long-Term Care. Over the weekend, homes were supported with urgent staffing needs, and pools of workers are being matched to meet the ongoing needs of homes across the province to combat COVID-19. This work is based on risk assessments informed by regional tables, local public health units, the Ministry of Long-Term Care and long-term care homes.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:29 p.m. ET., April 18, 2020 by Peterborough Public Health
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 56
Confirmed negative2: 1404
Results pending2: 272
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 31
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #84 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 18th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,264,553 | +62,607 | 154,420 | +6,791 |
Europe | 1,036,180 | +10,587 | 96,402 | +3,351 |
China | 88,242 | -31 | 4,632 | 0 |
Middle East | 200,415 | +8,384 | 7,196 | +232 |
Asia & Oceania | 86,497 | +4,016 | 2,383 | +78 |
Africa | 19,895 | +1,253 | 1,017 | +52 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
91,109 | +6,122 | 4,331 | +344 |
North America | 742,215 | +32,276 | 38,459 | +2,734 |
USA | 710,331 | +30,484 | 37,150 | +2,618 |
Canada | 31,884 | +1,792 | 1,309 | +116 |
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:10 p.m. ET., April 17, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 54
Confirmed negative2: 1373
Results pending2: 262
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 31
Situation Report #83 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 17th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,201,946 | +103,720 | 147,629 | +8,027 |
Europe | 1,025,593 | +44,989 | 93,051 | +3,793 |
China | 88,273 | +3,680 | 4,632 | +1,290 |
Middle East | 192,031 | +6,701 | 6,964 | +144 |
Asia & Oceania | 82,481 | +4,595 | 2,305 | +133 |
Africa | 18,642 | +1,536 | 965 | +63 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
84,987 | +5,239 | 3,987 | +328 |
North America | 709,939 | +36,980 | 35,725 | +2,276 |
USA | 679,847 | +35,269 | 34,532 | +2,093 |
Canada | 30,092 | +1,711 | 1,193 | +183 |
564 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 9,525 (this includes 4,556 resolved cases and 478 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 136,992 tests have been completed, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 5,993 tests under investigation.
· 829 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 245 are in ICU; and 200 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Government of Ontario passed new emergency orders today, including:
- Measures for work deployment and staffing forDistrict Social Services Administration Boards
- Limiting employees working in retirement homes to a single workplace
- Measures allowing for the redeployment of employees of Service Provider Organizations
- Measures allowing for employee redeployment in municipalities
- Regulation under the Highway Traffic Act for exemptions from weight load restrictions for the transport of essential goods and supplies
- Regulation under Ambulance Act to ensure sufficient ambulance service personnel during the provincial declaration of emergency
- A memo to sector partners on the new regulation made under the Ambulance Act was issued today and is attached here (English only).
- There has been a slight update to the Quick Reference Public Health Guidance on Testing and Clearing Cases to provide additional information on work self-isolation for health care workers. The updated document is attached.
- The Consumption and Treatment Services Guidance Document was updated to provide further clarification on infection prevention and control/personal protective equipment and is available on the ministry’s website.
- The ministry has created a new guidance document for community-based mental health and addiction service providers in residential settings. It is attached here and will be posted to the ministry website shortly.
· All organizations involved in testing patients for COVID-19 are encouraged to review the guidelines for testing including Specimen Collection and Handling.
- A memo to hospitals on supporting staff redeployment to long-term care settings was issued today and is attached.
- The latest Command Table summary is attached.
- A new fact sheet on how to care for pets and other animals has been posted to the PHO website in English and French
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:10 p.m. ET., April 16, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 53
Confirmed negative2: 1200
Results pending2: 295
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 31
1This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
2This is an estimate based on the data reported to PPH.
3Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptom(s) onset provided the individual has no fever and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #82 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 16th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,098,226 | +89,232 | 139,602 | +8,872 |
Europe | 980,604 | +36,301 | 89,258 | +5,401 |
China | 84,593 | +104 | 3,342 | 0 |
Middle East | 185,330 | +9,598 | 6,820 | +328 |
Asia & Oceania | 77,886 | +4,638 | 2,172 | +140 |
Africa | 17,106 | +829 | 902 | +26 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
79,748 | +6,317 | 3,659 | +328 |
North America | 672,959 | +31,445 | 33,449 | +2,649 |
USA | 644,578 | +30,127 | 32,439 | +2,542 |
Canada | 28,381 | +1,318 | 1,010 | +107 |
514 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 8,961 (this includes 4,194 resolved cases and 423 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 128,093 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 4,323 tests under investigation.
· 807 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 248 are in ICU; and 200 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Government of Ontario announced significant expansions to hospital capacity in preparation for any COVID-19 outbreak scenario.
- The ministry has updated the Quick Reference Public Health Guidance on Testing and Clearance. It is attached (English only) and will be available on the ministry’s website shortly in French and English.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:25 p.m. ET., April 15, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive1: 53
Confirmed negative2: 1184
Results pending2: 233
Deaths1: 1
Resolved1, 3: 29
Situation Report #81 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 15th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 2,008,994 | +77,126 | 130,730 | +10,462 |
Europe | 944,303 | +33,097 | 83,857 | +3,486 |
China | 84,489 | +96 | 3,342 | +01 |
Middle East | 175,732 | +6,359 | 6,492 | +134 |
Asia & Oceania | 73,248 | +3,998 | 2,032 | +183 |
Africa | 16,277 | +1,387 | 876 | +57 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
73,431 | +4,107 | 3,331 | +346 |
North America | 641,514 | +28,082 | 30,800 | +6,255 |
USA | 614,451 | +26,699 | 29,897 | +6,132 |
Canada | 27,063 | +1,383 | 903 | +123 |
494 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 8,447 (this includes 3,902 resolved cases and 385 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 119,092 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 4,429 tests under investigation.
· 795 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 254 are in ICU; and 188 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· Today, the Government of Ontario announced the COVID-19 Action Plan for Protecting Long-Term Care Homes to keep residents in long-term care homes safe.
· The Government of Ontario also passed emergency orders that will come into effect on April 22, 2020 restricting long-term care staff from working in more than one long-term care home, retirement home or health care setting.
· A Memo was issued from Deputy Ministers Helen Angus and Richard Steele, Dr David Williams, and Mathew Anderson regarding additional support for Long Term Care Homes (LTCHs) and Retirement Homes (RH).
· A Memo was issued from Deputy Ministers Helen Angus, Denise Cole and Richard Steele and Mathew Anderson to temporarily stop all transfers from hospitals to LTCHs and RHs.
· The CMOH Directive 3 has been updated to reflect the new limitation on working in only one location and to provide additional information on outbreak management and response. It is attached here and will be available on the ministry’s website shortly.
· A new guidance document for LTCHs and RHs on mask use is attached.
· The guidance documents for long-term care homes, long-term care outbreaks have all been updated to align with the new Action Plan and emergency order. (1 document will follow in another email due to size)
- The ministry’s Public Health Management of Cases and Contacts of COVID-19 guidance for public health units is updated and is attached.
- All memos up to and including April 10, 2020 are available in French and English on the ministry’s website.
- New signage has been created for health care settings and is available for download from the ministry’s website in French and English.
- The provincial Testing Guidance document was updated to reflect the next phase of the testing strategy. It is attached here and will be available on the ministry’s website shortly.
- The Command Table met today; a summary of the meeting is attached.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:14 p.m. ET., April 14, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 53
Confirmed negative: 1133
Under investigation: 207
Deaths: 1
Resolved*: 24
Situation Report #80 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 14th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,931,868 | +73,744 | 120,268 | +5,577 |
Europe | 911,206 | +26,341 | 80,371 | +3,245 |
China | 84,393 | +76 | 3,341 | 0 |
Middle East | 169,373 | +9,435 | 6,358 | +334 |
Asia & Oceania | 69,250 | +3,927 | 1,849 | +114 |
Africa | 14,890 | +476 | 819 | +35 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
69,324 | +4,972 | 2,985 | +231 |
North America | 613,432 | +28,517 | 24,545 | +1,618 |
USA | 587,752 | +27,220 | 23,765 | +1,555 |
Canada | 25,680 | +1,297 | 780 | +63 |
483 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 7,953 (this includes 3,568 resolved cases and 334 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 113,082 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 2,107 tests under investigation.
· 769 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 255 are in ICU; and 199 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The Government of Ontario announced it is extending the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act for a further 28 days, until May 12.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:11 p.m. ET., April 13, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 53
Confirmed negative: 1021
Under investigation: 268
Deaths: 1
Resolved*: 24
Situation Report #79 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 13th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,858,124 | +71,525 | 114,691 | +5,512 |
Europe | 884,865 | +26,948 | 77,126 | +3,174 |
China | 84,317 | +141 | 3,341 | +02 |
Middle East | 159,938 | +8,084 | 6,024 | +230 |
Asia & Oceania | 65,323 | +2,711 | 1,735 | +108 |
Africa | 14,414 | +775 | 784 | +40 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
64,352 | +4,771 | 2,754 | +232 |
North America | 584,915 | +28,095 | 22,927 | +1,726 |
USA | 560,532 | +27,030 | 22,210 | +1,662 |
Canada | 24,383 | +1,065 | 717 | +64 |
421 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 7,470 (this includes 3,357 resolved cases and 291 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 108,230 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,534 tests under investigation.
· 760 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 263 are in ICU; and 203 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The Government of Ontario announced yesterday it is developing a new health data platform called the Pandemic Threat Response (PANTHR) that will allow researchers to better support health system planning and responsiveness, including the immediate need to analyze the current COVID-19 outbreak.
· Today, the Government of Ontario announced progress in procuring critical supplies and equipment to ensure that patients, frontline health care workers and first responders have what they need to protect themselves during the COVID-19 outbreak.
· The Command Table met today; a summary of the discussion is attached.
· CMOH Directive #5 shared on April 10 has been uploaded to the ministry’s website.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:29 p.m. ET., April 12, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 52
Confirmed negative: 968
Under investigation: 283
Deaths: 1
Resolved*: 20
Situation Report #78 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 12th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,786,599 | +81,811 | 109,179 | +6,224 |
Europe | 857,917 | +33,685 | 73,952 | +3,654 |
China | 84,176 | +148 | 3,339 | 0 |
Middle East | 151,854 | +8,950 | 5,794 | +242 |
Asia & Oceania | 62,612 | +3,432 | 1,627 | +185 |
Africa | 13,639 | +694 | 744 | +51 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
59,581 | +2,626 | 2,522 | +163 |
North America | 556,820 | +32,276 | 21,201 | +1,929 |
USA | 533,502 | +31,106 | 20,548 | +1,845 |
Canada | 23,318 | +1,170 | 653 | +84 |
401 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 7,049 (this includes 3,121 resolved cases and 274 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 103,165 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,619 tests under investigation.
· 738 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 261 are in ICU; and 196 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- Thousands of businesses and private citizens have stepped up and offered to help the Ontario government defeat COVID-19. More than 7,500 emergency supply submissions have generated nearly $90 million in purchases of critical equipment and supplies.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:11 p.m. ET., April 11, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 51
Confirmed negative: 888
Under investigation: 349
Deaths: 0
Resolved*: 19
Situation Report #77 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 11th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,704,788 | +87,316 | 102,955 | +6,026 |
Europe | 824,232 | +34,907 | 70,298 | +3,371 |
China | 84,028 | +66 | 3,339 | +03 |
Middle East | 142,904 | +6,417 | 5,552 | +114 |
Asia & Oceania | 59,180 | +1,948 | 1,442 | +52 |
Africa | 12,945 | +1,267 | 693 | +65 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
56,955 | +6,778 | 2,359 | +290 |
North America | 524,544 | +35,933 | 19,272 | +2,131 |
USA | 502,396 | +34,550 | 18,703 | +2,071 |
Canada | 22,148 | +1,383 | 569 | +60 |
411 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 6,648 (this includes 2,858 resolved cases and 253 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 96,321 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,517 tests under investigation.
· 691 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 257 are in ICU; and 215 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The Ontario government has extended all emergency orders that have been put in place to-date under s.7.0.2 (4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act until April 23, 2020, including the closure of outdoor amenities in parks and recreational areas, non-essential workplaces, public places and bars and restaurants, along with restrictions on social gatherings and the prohibition of price gouging. In addition, new measures have been introduced to address surge capacity in retirement homes, restrict recreational camping on Crown land, and allow the repurposing of existing buildings and temporary structures.
- The Ontario government is temporarily preventing child care centres from collecting payments from parents, while also ensuring that their child care spaces are protected. Child care centres, with the exception of those accommodating health care and other frontline workers, were ordered closed to help prevent the spread of the virus and keep the children and child care staff safe.
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:25 p.m. ET., April 10, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 51
Confirmed negative: 853
Under investigation: 341
Deaths: 0
Resolved*: 18
This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
*Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptoms onset provided the individual is afebrile and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #76 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 10th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,617,472 | +86,157 | 96,929 | +7,411 |
Europe | 789,325 | +33,872 | 66,927 | +4,805 |
China | 83,962 | +75 | 3,336 | +01 |
Middle East | 136,487 | +7,407 | 5,438 | +241 |
Asia & Oceania | 57,232 | +2,708 | 1,390 | +115 |
Africa | 11,678 | +625 | 628 | +66 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
50,177 | 4,909 | 2,069 | +247 |
North America | 488,611 | +36,561 | 17,141 | +1,936 |
USA | 467,846 | +35,087 | 16,632 | +1,862 |
Canada | 20,765 | +1,474 | 509 | +74 |
478 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 6,237 (this includes 2,574 resolved cases and 222 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 94,271 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,598 tests under investigation.
· 673 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 260 are in ICU; and 217 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The Government of Ontario has announced that it is significantly expanding COVID-19 testing to help stop the spread of the virus. Corresponding updates to directives and guidance is available on the ministry’s website.
- The Command Table met today; a summary of the meeting is attached.
· Changes were made to CMOH Directive 5. The revised Directive outlines required precautions and procedures for regulated health professionals and specified employees working in public hospitals and in long-term care homes dealing with suspected, presumed, or confirmed COVID-19 patients or residents. The revised Directive was sent out today and is attached. It will shortly be available on the ministry’s website in English and French.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:18 p.m. ET., April 9, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 50 (reduction by one case due to referral to another health unit)
Confirmed negative: 828
Under investigation: 312
Deaths: 0
Resolved*: 18
This data is retrieved daily from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 4:00 pm, reported to the Ministry of Health and posted on our website before 4:30 pm. Please note that the provincial website is updated the following morning at 10:30 am. Depending on the time of day, these two reporting sources may or may not be aligned.
*Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptoms onset provided the individual is afebrile and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #75 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 9th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,531,315 | +84,264 | 89,518 | +6,388 |
Europe | 755,453 | +34,793 | 62,122 | +3,805 |
China | 83,887 | +104 | 3,335 | +02 |
Middle East | 129,080 | +7,003 | 5,197 | +216 |
Asia & Oceania | 54,524 | +3,120 | 1,275 | +102 |
Africa | 11,053 | +386 | 562 | +28 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
45,268 | +5,851 | 1,822 | +248 |
North America | 452,050 | +33,007 | 15,205 | +1,987 |
USA | 432,759 | +31,613 | 14,770 | +1,933 |
Canada | 19,291 | +1,394 | 435 | +54 |
483 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 5,759 (this includes 2,305 resolved cases and 200 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 88,698 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,208 tests under investigation.
· 632 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 264 are in ICU; and 214 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The ministry’s website has been updated with links to memos that have been sent to the health sector. Several are still outstanding, but will be uploaded in short time.
· The Government of Ontario announced it is partnering with SPARK Ontario to help seniors and the most vulnerable stay connected and healthy as they self-isolate during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 3:23 p.m. ET., April 8, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 51
Confirmed negative: 757
Under investigation: 285
Deaths: 0
Resolved*: 14
*Resolved includes: Fourteen days following symptoms onset provided the individual is afebrile and symptoms have improved for individuals at home OR two negative test results (obtained at least 24 hours apart) for hospitalized and health care workers.
Situation Report #74 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Case Count as of April 8th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,447,051 | +99,133 | 83,130 | +8,396 |
Europe | 720,660 | +45,704 | 58,317 | +5,642 |
China | 83,783 | +188 | 3,333 | +02 |
Middle East | 122,077 | +9,912 | 4,981 | +359 |
Asia & Oceania | 51,404 | +3,060 | 1,173 | +120 |
Africa | 10,667 | +884 | 534 | +59 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
39,417 | +3,878 | 1,574 | +236 |
North America | 419,043 | +35,507 | 13,218 | +1,978 |
USA | 401,146 | +34,277 | 12,837 | +1,920 |
Canada | 17,897 | +1,230 | 381 | +58 |
550 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 5,276 (this includes 2,074 resolved cases and 174 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 84,601 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,102 tests under investigation.
· 605 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 246 are in ICU; and 195 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· A testing guidance update, with a focus on testing of vulnerable populations, as well as health care workers and first responders.
· Updated CMOH Directive #3 to strengthen screening, testing and outbreak management in long-term care homes.
· Webinars were held on April 1, 2020 to share with public health units (PHUs) and long-term care homes (LTCHs) the best practices and guidance on infection prevention and control in LTCHs relating to COVID-19. A recording of the PHU session can be found [bit.ly/20200401-LTC-PHU]here and a recording of the LTCH session can be found [bit.ly/20200401-LTC]here. Additionally, the ministry’s guidance to LTCHs can be found on the ministry’s website and a foundational document on control of respiratory infections in long-term care homes can be found here.
· The Command Table met today; a summary of the meeting is attached.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 45
Confirmed negative: 750
Under investigation: 260
Deaths: 0
Resolved: 10
Situation Report #73 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 7th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,347,918 | +61,269 | 74,734 | +4,401 |
Europe | 674,956 | +20,216 | 52,675 | +2,727 |
China | 83,595 | +60 | 3,331 | 0 |
Middle East | 112,165 | +4,254 | 4,622 | +85 |
Asia & Oceania | 48,344 | +1,626 | 1,053 | +35 |
Africa | 9,783 | +582 | 475 | +47 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
35,539 | +2,310 | 1,338 | +145 |
North America | 383,536 | +32,221 | 11,240 | +1,362 |
USA | 366,869 | +31,066 | 10,917 | +1,319 |
Canada | 16,667 | +1,155 | 323 | +43 |
379 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 4,726 (this includes 1,802 resolved cases and 153 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 81,364 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 691 tests under investigation.
· 614 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 233 are in ICU; and 187 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The Government of Ontario has launched an online portal to match available health care workers with employers.
· The Government of Ontario announced a commitment of $37 million to support outbreak planning, prevention and mitigation to ensure the health and well-being of Indigenous people and communities.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:25 p.m. ET., April 6, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 44
Confirmed negative: 749
Under investigation: 221
Deaths: 0
Resolved: 10
Situation Report #72 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 6th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,286,649 | +59,350 | 70,333 | +3,136 |
Europe | 654,740 | +25,669 | 49,948 | +1,909 |
China | 83,535 | +112 | 3,331 | +02 |
Middle East | 107,911 | +9,746 | 4,537 | +377 |
Asia & Oceania | 46,718 | +3,737 | 1,018 | +116 |
Africa | 9,201 | +815 | 428 | +46 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
33,229 | +2,673 | 1,193 | +124 |
North America | 351,315 | +16,598 | 9,878 | +562 |
USA | 335,803 | +15,089 | 9,598 | +515 |
Canada | 15,512 | +1,509 | 280 | +47 |
- 309 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 4,347 (this includes 1,624 resolved cases and 132 deaths).
- In Ontario, a total of 78,796 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 329 tests under investigation.
- 589 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 216 are in ICU; and 160 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Government of Ontario announced today a one-time financial assistance during school and child care closures.
- Public Health Ontario issued a technical brief today: IPAC Recommendations for Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID-19.
- All previously issued directives have now been uploaded to the ministry’s website.
- Please see attached a summary from today’s Command Table.
- Please see attached a memo from the Deputy Minister of Health to the Collaboration and Command Tables regarding personal protective equipment.
- A memo was sent to CEOs of Ontario Public Hospitals today regarding the use of alternate health facilities and temporary structures such as field hospitals and conference centres.
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:47 p.m. ET., April 5, 202
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 44
Confirmed negative: 737
Under investigation: 187
Deaths: 0
Resolved: 7
Situation Report #71 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 5th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,227,299 | +105,617 | 67,197 | +6,006 |
Europe | 629,071 | +51,241 | 48,039 | +3,908 |
China | 83,423 | +74 | 3,329 | +03 |
Middle East | 98,165 | 4,501 | 4,160 | +93 |
Asia & Oceania | 42,981 | +1,841 | 902 | +44 |
Africa | 8,386 | +537 | 382 | +52 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
30,556 | +2,864 | 1,069 | +170 |
North America | 334,717 | +44,559 | 9,316 | +1,736 |
USA | 320,714 | +43,093 | 9,083 | +1,690 |
Canada | 14,003 | +1,466 | 233 | +46 |
- 408 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 4,038 (this includes 1,449 resolved cases and 119 deaths).
- In Ontario, a total of 75,046 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 981 tests under investigation.
- 523 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 200 are in ICU; and 154 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Ontario government announced yesterday that it is investing up to $40 million to support organizations that provide residential services for children and youth, people with developmental disabilities and emergency shelters for women and families fleeing domestic violence. The COVID-19 Residential Relief Fund will cover costs such as additional staffing, residential respite for caregivers; personal protective equipment and supplies; initiatives to support physical distancing and transportation to minimize client exposure.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:30 p.m. ET., April 4, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 43
Confirmed negative: 704
Under investigation: 217
Deaths: 0
Resolved: 8
Situation Report #70 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 4th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,121,682 | +94,986 | 61,191 | +7,224 |
Europe | 577,830 | +45,402 | 44,131 | +5,255 |
China | 83,349 | +80 | 3,326 | +04 |
Middle East | 93,664 | +9,600 | 4,067 | +377 |
Asia & Oceania | 41,140 | +2,181 | 858 | +49 |
Africa | 7,849 | +917 | 330 | +54 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
27,692 | +2,734 | 899 | +115 |
North America | 290,158 | +34,072 | 7,580 | +1,370 |
USA | 277,621 | +32,818 | 7,393 | +1,321 |
Canada | 12,537 | +1,254 | 187 | +49 |
- 375 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 3,630 (this includes 1,219 resolved cases and 94 deaths).
- In Ontario, a total of 71,338 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,336 tests under investigation.
- 506 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 196 are in ICU; and 152 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
- The Government of Ontario announced a new online portal connecting employers with workers looking to fill positions in the agri-food sector.
- An Emergency Alert was issued this afternoon urging all Ontarians to stay home and only go out for absolute necessities, such as picking up groceries or medications.
- Yesterday afternoon, the Minister of Health and the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility issued a statement on measures to protect seniors living in retirement homes during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Local COVID-19 Cases & Status
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:28 p.m. ET., April 3, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 43
Confirmed negative: 571
Under investigation: 271
Deaths: 0
Resolved: 6
Situation Report #69 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 3rd, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 1,026,696 | +78,106 | 53,967 | +5,854 |
Europe | 532,428 | +36,003 | 38,876 | +4,365 |
China, | 83,269 | +174 | 3,322 | +10 |
Middle East | 84,064 | +4,544 | 3,690 | +107 |
Asia & Oceania | 38,959 | +3,053 | 809 | +105 |
Africa | 6,932 | +640 | 276 | +49 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
24,958 | +2,827 | 784 | +187 |
North America | 256,086 | +30,865 | 6,210 | +1,031 |
USA | 244,803 | +29,195 | 6,072 | +1,002 |
Canada | 11,283 | +1,670 | 138 | +29 |
- 462 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 3,255 (this includes 1,023 resolved cases and 67 deaths).
- In Ontario, a total of 66,753 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 1,245 tests under investigation.
- 462 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19; 194 are in ICU; and 140 are in ICU on a ventilator.
Actions Taken:
· The Government of Ontario is increasing Public Health Units’ capacity to stop COVID-19, including:
- Launching a new user-friendly online portal for the public to easily access their COVID-19 lab test results
- A new emergency order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, effective immediately, to provide public health units the authority and flexibility they need to make staffing decisions that support their ongoing fight against the outbreak of COVID-19, despite any collective agreements.
- Dr Peter Donnelly, President and CEO of Public Health Ontario, Matthew Anderson, President and CEO of Ontario Health and Adalsteinn Brown, Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health gave a news conference today on modelling projections for COVID-19 in Ontario.
- The Government of Ontario announced additional business closures to stop the spread of COVID-19
- The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario powers a free VIANurse website which helps health sector organisations secure RNs, NPs and PSWs.
- Summaries of Command and Collaboration tables attached to this Situation Report.
Last Reviewed/Updated: 4:00 p.m. ET., April 2, 2020
City and County of Peterborough, Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations
Confirmed positive: 41
Confirmed negative: 534
Under investigation: 267
Deaths: 0
Resolved: 6
Situation Report #68 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 2, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 948,590 | +75,961 | 48,113 | +4,922 |
Europe | 496,425 | +36,042 | 34,511 | +3,496 |
China, | 83,095 | 0 | 3,312 | 0 |
Middle East | 79,520 | +6,246 | 3,583 | +212 |
Asia & Oceania | 35,906 | +1,879 | 704 | +42 |
Africa | 6,292 | +662 | 227 | +35 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
22,131 | +3,047 | 597 | +97 |
North America | 225,221 | +28,085 | 5,179 | +1,040 |
USA | 215,608 | +27,020 | 5,070 | +1,027 |
Canada | 9,613 | +1,065 | 109 | +13 |
- 401 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 2,793 (this includes 831 resolved cases and 53 deaths).
- In Ontario, a total of 62,733 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 2,052 tests under investigation.
Actions Taken:
· A new memo was issued along with a guidance document on the use of hotels and retirement homes provide additional information regarding the use of alternate health spaces to assist in hospital COVID-19 strategies. These documents are attached, along with the previously released memo and ADM letter.
· The guidance documents released yesterday for Homeless Shelters and Group Homes and Co-Living Settings are now available in English and French on the ministry’s website.
· Public Health Ontario published two new fact sheets on Physical Distancing and Taking Care of Yourself and Each Other on their website.
· The Ontario government announced new emergency funding to expand online and virtual mental health supports for front-line workers during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Situation Report #67 COVID-19
Case Count as of April 1st, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 872,629 | +72,549 | 43,191 | +4,436 |
Europe | 460,383 | +33,915 | 31,015 | +3,161 |
China, | 83,095 | +1,577 | 3,312 | +07 |
Middle East | 73,274 | +6,697 | 3,371 | +191 |
Asia & Oceania | 34,027 | +1,880 | 662 | +67 |
Africa | 5,630 | +348 | 192 | +20 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
19,084 | +2,571 | 500 | +80 |
North America | 197,136 | +25,561 | 4,139 | +910 |
USA | 188,588 | +24,437 | 4,043 | +903 |
Canada | 8,548 | +1,124 | 96 | +07 |
- 426 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 2,392 (this includes 689 resolved cases and 37 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 57,874 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 3,135 tests under investigation.
Actions Taken:
- The Command Table met today. A summary is attached to this Situation Report.
- Guidance for Paramedics has been updated and uploaded to the website.
- Three new guidance documents for Group Homes, Homeless Shelters and Long-Term Care Home Outbreaks have been created and attached. These will be uploaded to the ministry’s website in French and English in due course.
- The Government of Ontario announced today that they are launching a new $50 million Ontario Together Fund to help businesses provide innovative solutions or retool their operations in order to manufacture essential medical supplies and equipment, including gowns, coveralls, masks, face shields, testing equipment and ventilators. This new Fund will support the development of proposals submitted by businesses and individuals through the Ontario Together web portal.
Situation Report #66: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 31st, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 800,080 | +70,251 | 38,755 | +4,161 |
Europe | 426,468 | +34,765 | 27,854 | +3,089 |
China, | 81,518 | +48 | 3,305 | +01 |
Middle East | 66,577 | +8,961 | 3,180 | +310 |
Asia & Oceania | 32,147 | +2,598 | 595 | +57 |
Africa | 5,282 | +587 | 172 | +28 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
16,513 | +1,699 | 420 | +78 |
North America | 171,151 | +21,593 | 3,229 | +598 |
USA | 164,151 | +20,427 | 3,140 | +574 |
Canada | 7,424 | +1,166 | 89 | +24 |
- 260 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 1,966 (this includes 534 resolved cases and 33 deaths).
· In Ontario, a total of 51,629 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories. There are currently 4,280 tests under investigation.
Actions Taken:
- The government of Ontario launched a website for emergency child care for health care and frontline staff. This initiative aligns with the ministry’s guidance document on Emergency Childcare Centers, which was published on March 29, 2020 on the ministry’s website.
- A new guidance document for Temporary Foreign Workers has been developed and uploaded to the ministry website.
- The case definition has been updated and uploaded to the ministry’s website. Please note that there was an error in the date on the case definition that was sent yesterday; this has since been corrected.
- CMOH Directive 5 was updated to specify that the required precautions and procedures apply to nurses who are represented by the Ontario Nurses’ Association and employed by public hospitals.
- Health Canada has issued an advisory on their website (English and French) urging Canadians not to buy more medication than usual during the COVID-19 pandemic as this can lead to local shortages.
Situation Report #65: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 30th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 729,829 | +20,185 | 34,594 | +1,076 |
Europe | 391,703 | +10,089 | 24,765 | +832 |
China, | 81,470 | +31 | 3,304 | +04 |
Middle East | 57,616 | +428 | 2,870 | +06 |
Asia & Oceania | 29,549 | +786 | 538 | +15 |
Africa | 4,695 | +521 | 144 | +15 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
14,814 | +676 | 342 | +36 |
North America | 149,982 | +7,654 | 2,631 | +168 |
USA | 143,724 | +7,232 | 2,566 | +166 |
Canada | 6,258 | +422 | 65 | 0 |
- 351 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 1,706 (this includes 431 resolved cases and 23 deaths).
- Reporting has changed, and Ontario case counts are recorded in the province’s integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) and data is pulled at 4:00 p.m. the previous day. Updates to the website will now be provided once a day at 10:30 a.m.
· In Ontario, a total of 48,461 people have been tested, with tests performed at Public Health Ontario Laboratories and non-Public Health Laboratories.
Actions Taken:
- The Chief Medical Officer of Health issued a statement to Ontarians recommending that individuals over 70 years of age self-isolate, and urging all Ontarians to continue adhering to physical distancing and to remain at home.
- Changes were made to the case definition including, clarifying swabbing requirements, simplifying laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, and eliminating repeat testing to clear certain cases managed at home.(See attached)
- New guidance documents for Talking to Children About the Pandemic, Funeral and Bereavement Services, as well as new resources for Ontarians Experiencing Mental Health and Addictions Issues have been developed and uploaded to the ministry website.
- A new link to the PPE survey was shared today. Acute care hospitals should continue to report PPE requirements through the Daily Bed Census only.
- There was a joint statement between government and the Ontario Nurses’ Association issued on health and safety measures in hospitals.
- The Chief Medical Officer of Health issued Directive 5 for public hospitals (attached).
- Several directives have been updated today that are attached to today’s Situation Report.
- Directive 1 to Health Care Providers (minor updates): This replaces the directive issued on March 12 to reflect language changes in Directive 5.
- Directive 3 to Long-Term Care Homes (significant updates): This replaces the directive issued on March 22, 2020 to reflect language changes in Directive 5 and clarify additional recommendation around screening and outbreak management.
- Directive 4 to Paramedic Services (minor updates): This replaces the directive issues on March 24 to reflect language changes in Directive 5.
- The Command Table met today, and a letter with a summary of the discussion has been attached.
Situation Report #64: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 29th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 709,644 | +81,753 | 33,518 | +4,620 |
Europe | 381,614 | +41,394 | 23,933 | +3,714 |
China | 81,439 | +45 | 3,300 | +05 |
Middle East | 57,188 | +7,549 | 2,864 | +175 |
Asia & Oceania | 28,763 | +1,903 | 523 | +50 |
Africa | 4,174 | +285 | 129 | +14 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
14,138 | +1,751 | 306 | +63 |
North America | 142,328 | +28,826 | 2,463 | +599 |
USA | 136,492 | +27,747 | 2,400 | +591 |
Canada | 5,836 | +1,079 | 65 | +10 |
211 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 1,326 (this includes eight resolved cases and 23 deaths).
· In Ontario, there are 7,203 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
Actions Taken:
· The guidance document for Community Labs and Specimen Collection Centres has been updated and uploaded on the ministry website.
· New guidance documents for Emergency Child Care Services and Industry Operators have been developed and uploaded on the ministry website.
· The Ontario government is implementing a new emergency order to ensure that staffing and resources are available to help care for and protect long-term care residents during the COVID-19 crisis. These temporary measures provide further flexibility for long-term care homes and allow homes to redirect their staffing and financial resources to essential tasks.
· The Ontario government is issuing a new emergency order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to prohibit organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people, effective immediately. This order would not apply to private households with five people or more. It would also not apply to operating child care centres supporting frontline health care workers and first responders provided the number of persons at each centre does not exceed 50 people. Funerals would be permitted to proceed with up to 10 people at one time.
· Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer announced updated guidance to help employers better understand their responsibilities and what is needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on the construction sites.
Situation Report #63: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 28th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 627,891 | +89,193 | 28,898 | +4,665 |
Europe | 340,220 | +53,386 | 20,219 | +3,820 |
China | 81,394 | +54 | 3,295 | +03 |
Middle East | 49,639 | +6,565 | 2,689 | +171 |
Asia & Oceania | 26,860 | +2,528 | 473 | +59 |
Africa | 3,889 | +532 | 115 | +23 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
12,387 | +2,297 | 243 | +61 |
North America | 113,502 | +23,831 | 1,864 | +528 |
USA | 108,745 | +23,247 | 1,809 | +512 |
Canada | 4,757 | +584 | 55 | +16 |
- 151 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 1144 (this includes eight resolved cases and 18 deaths).
· In Ontario, there are 8,690 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
Actions Taken:
· A Minister’s Order was issued today directing health system providers to report PPE inventories on a daily basis to the ministry to optimize the availability of PPE to protect Ontario’s front-line health care providers against exposure to COVID-19 and maintain a centralized repository of information respecting the availability of PPE supplies across the province (attached with reporting form). Please Note: Home and Community Care providers are asked to use the survey they received yesterday. Long Term Care Homes are asked to use the link they were sent today through email.
· The ministry also issued an update on the PPE stewardship, procurement and distribution (attached).
· The Ontario government is proclaiming the Supply Chain Management Act to make sure critical supplies, equipment and services can be deployed to where they are needed most. These regulations will enable the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and the Ministry of Health to centrally manage public sector supply chains. It will allow the collection of key data on inventories, orders and supply constraints and the development of a virtual inventory tool so that demand for crucial supplies are visible and trackable.
· The Ontario government announced new penalties to combat price gouging and hold offenders accountable for raising prices significantly on the necessary goods Ontarians need to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19.
Situation Report #62: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 27th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 538,698 | +51441 | 24,233 | +2,288 |
Europe | 286,834 | +24,871 | 16,399 | +1,726 |
China | 81,340 | +55 | 3,292 | +05 |
Middle East | 43,074 | +5,357 | 2,518 | +192 |
Asia & Oceania | 24,332 | +1,384 | 414 | +48 |
Africa | 3,357 | +712 | 92 | +21 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
10,090 | +1,451 | 182 | +36 |
North America | 89,671 | +17,611 | 1336 | +260 |
USA | 85,498 | +17017 | 1297 | +256 |
Canada | 4,173 | +594 | 39 | +04 |
- 130 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 993 (this includes eight resolved cases and 18 deaths).
· In Ontario, there are 10,074 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
Actions Taken:
· The Ontario Pharmacists Association, Ontario Medical Association, and the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario have sent out a joint letter to Ontario’s doctors, nurse practitioners and pharmacists regarding inappropriate prescribing of unproven therapies.
· A new Guidance document with information on the use of N95 filtering face respirators beyond the manufacturer-designated shelf life has been created. It is attached in today’s Situation Report.
· The Command Table met today, and a letter with a summary of the discussion has been attached.
Information has been provided by the Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch
Situation Report #61: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 26th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 487,257 | +56,994 | 21,945 | +2,479 |
Europe | 261,963 | +35,052 | 14,673 | +1,950 |
China | 81,285 | +67 | 3,287 | +06 |
Middle East | 37,717 | +3,223 | 2,326 | +165 |
Asia & Oceania | 22,948 | +1,796 | 366 | +35 |
Africa | 2,645 | +392 | 71 | +12 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
8,639 | +1,724 | 146 | +36 |
North America | 72,060 | +14,740 | 1,076 | +275 |
USA | 68,481 | +14,053 | 1041 | +268 |
Canada | 3,849 | +957 | 35 | +07 |
- 170 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 858 (this includes eight resolved cases and 13 deaths).
· In Ontario, there are 10,965 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
Actions Taken:
· In order to increase capacity in the health system, the ministry has given general approval to all public hospitals under subsection 4(2) of the Public Hospitals Act to operate and use an institution, building or other premises or place (“premises”) for the purposes of a hospital, provided that certain conditions are met. Further details can be found in the attached memo.
Situation Report #60: COVID-19
Case Count as of March 25th, 2020
Area | Case Count | Change from yesterday |
Deaths | Change from yesterday |
Worldwide | 430,263 | +40,261 | 19466 | +2,381 |
Europe | 226,911 | +25,443 | 12,723 | +1,992 |
China | 81,218 | +47 | 3,281 | +04 |
Middle East | 34,494 | +3,367 | 2,161 | +156 |
Asia & Oceania | 21,152 | +1,269 | 331 | +11 |
Africa | 2,253 | +425 | 59 | +01 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
6,915 | +639 | 110 | +23 |
North America | 57,320 | +9,071 | 801 | +194 |
USA | 54,428 | +8,270 | 773 | +190 |
Canada | 2,892 | +801 | 28 | +04 |
- 100 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 688 (this includes eight resolved cases and 13 deaths).
· In Ontario, there are 10,489 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
Actions Taken:
- Today the Government of Canada announced an Emergency Order under the Quarantine Act that requires any person entering Canada by air, sea or land to self-isolate for 14 days whether or not they have symptoms of COVID-19. All individuals permitted to enter Canada are subject to this Order, with the exception of certain persons who cross the border regularly to ensure the continued flow of goods and services, and those who provide essential services.
- Health Canada has published guidance on optimizing the use of masks and respirators during the COVID-19 outbreak. This includes:
- guidance on the use of expired N95 respirators and masks; and
- guidance on the use of commercial-grade respirators for medical purposes.
- The Order in Council to close non-essential businesses has been attached to today’s Situation Report. The Ministry of the Solicitor General has advised that if municipalities (or health units) have questions about the Emergency Order closing non-essential business, they should contact the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre at the following email address: PEOCDO01@ontario.ca
- For businesses with questions, the line for them to contact is: Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659. Help is available Monday to Sunday, from 8:30am – 5:00pm.
- The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Ontario College of Pharmacists have prepared statements regarding drug prescribing and in particular hydroxyCQ prescribing. Please see further information here.
- The Public Health Management Guidance document has been updated and a new Quick Reference document on Testing and Clearance has been created. Both are attached in today’s Situation Report.
- Websites have been created for COVID-19 that act as a portal for trusted and legitimate information and resources and have been shared below.
- COVID-19 Information Portal
- COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
- The Command Table met today, a summary has been attached.
- The Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health has issued the attached directive for Ambulance Services and Paramedics under the Ambulance Act.